Insurance Practice
For more than 35 years, we have supported the Insurance industry in the UK, Europe and Asia Pac, often supplying candidates with very rare skills. As a result, we have established a reputation as an organisation at the forefront of supplying niche skillsets to Insurers large and small; helping our clients to source the IT and Business expertise they need to develop, enhance and support their systems, while providing professional and highly knowledgeable career advice for our candidates.

Director, Head of Life and Pensions – Joe Marshall
Joe is a hugely experienced Life and Pensions consultant with more than 30 years’ experience of recruitment and career guidance within this market.
Joe joined PiC in Australia in the mid 1980s, and has been based in London since 1993. He has been involved in the recruitment and placement of Contract and Permanent personnel between Australasia, UK and Europe ever since.
He focuses on positions where niche skills are needed within the Life and Pensions market, and believes that ‘Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice’. Joe goes to great lengths to create ‘win-win’ situations for both candidates and clients.
Head of Insurance Division – Tony King
Over the past 15 years, Tony has worked for some of the largest global recruiters as well as niche specialists. He started to specialise in the Insurance industry over a decade ago, primarily providing Project Management and Change professionals to some of the biggest names in the industry.
Having studied Actuarial Mathematics and worked directly for three major insurers early in his career, Tony has a thorough understanding of the Insurance market and what it takes to be successful within it.
Tony has a strong interest in digital technologies and their capacity to bring consumers and businesses closer together. This, along with his insurance background, means he is well-placed to help businesses solve their challenges in these exciting and fast-changing times.

Thriving through change
The insurance industry has changed rapidly in recent years and will continue to do so. Regulatory changes such as Solvency II and IFRS17 have had to be managed while adapting to the challenges thrown up by an ever more connected world. Digital Transformation programmes, as an integral part of any strategic change, are essential for a business to remain relevant and competitive. Insurance customers, whether private or institutional, now demand greater control and visibility over their investments and expect that access is immediate and simple. These Regulatory and Digital projects lead to skill shortages, especially in areas such as Finance, Systems Development, Data Architecture, and Actuarial.
Data that could be used to inform underwriting and product design decisions is now held by a greater variety of organisations such as Uber, Google, Apple, and Fitbit. Digital and data strategies need to be flexible to adapt to as yet unforeseen futures which could radically shape the insurance markets. The challenges in this area are exacerbated by a growing Actuarial skills shortage as more organisations outside insurance recognise the expertise an actuary can bring to both understanding and using Big Data.
The ongoing movement in the Wealth Management sector, including the acquisition of businesses, fund portfolios, and wealth management technology platforms has resulted in PiC being well-placed to add value in many areas of this sector, supplying resource to a diverse portfolio of essential projects.
Our Divisions
Throughout PiC’s years of experience we have supplied resource across different divisions of the Insurance industry, for more information see below or get in touch with one of our consultants today.

Life & Pensions
The focus of our work in this area is the software and applications packages used by Life and Pensions companies across the UK and European markets.

General & Health
The General Insurance market is by definition varied and nuanced. Along with the Health Insurance market, there is considerable change, both technological and organisational, within General Insurance. PiC have a long history of supporting and enabling that process.
Life & Pensions
The focus of our work in this area is the software and applications packages used by Life and Pensions companies across the UK and European markets. We recruit professionals with functional, technological and business expertise in a set of specific software and application packages used in the industry, including Life400, ALIS, AIA, Sapiens, Guidewire, msg.Life Factory, Bravura, GBTS ComposerLife and other comparable bespoke systems.
We know our niche
Operating in such a specific niche market means we can provide a service that is knowledgeable and informed, with insight into the latest trends. We also get to know who is who, who works where, who is looking for a new role, and what projects and managers are looking for. By networking across the sector, we can supply the candidates who best fit the role or position in question, at home or abroad, rather than simply those actively looking at any point in time.

General & Health
For as long as one can remember, it seems, the insurance industry has busied itself with mergers and acquisitions, in a bid to be more profitable, better value to policyholders, and increase relative market share. Post COVID-19, there is predicted to be an increase in M&A activity across the sector as insurers re-evaluate their core capabilities and assess their portfolios, deciding whether to consolidate in their core markets or diversify into other profitable areas.
The pandemic has also accelerated internal business change, such as the facilitation of hybrid working and the need to change models in order to maximise productivity in a new environment, but has also highlighted the need for the insurance industry to press on with their digital strategies. More than ever before, insurance customers, whether private or institutional, demand greater control and visibility over their investments and expect that access to be immediate and simple.
The continued exponential increase in available data that can be used to make underwriting and pricing decisions, as well as being used to design, market and sell new and innovative products, has meant businesses needing to reassess how they collect, manage and manipulate that data. Along with the continued move towards cloud technologies, this has necessitated a re-imagining of what a technology infrastructure looks like, with Devops, API Gateways, SaaS, PaaS, and increased security demands.
PiC are pleased to support our client-base with professionals specialising in various platforms, policy admin systems, claims systems, and more. We enable insurers to complete major data migrations, business process improvements, regulatory change, and system implementations and upgrades.
We are happy to respond to queries on specific niche or unusual skills that may be in short supply or in high demand – we have a history of providing teams of such individuals sourced from all over the globe.
The right people for the right roles
We have sourced entire teams of specialist Contractors, often from other continents, to enable our clients to support and develop their systems. We also supply people with appropriate vendor experience to give clients sustainable visibility and control over outsourced projects.
A significant and growing part of our business is the supply of people to large change and transformation projects – Business Analysts, Business Architects, Process Improvement consultants, and Solution Architects, along with individuals with the hands-on knowledge and experience necessary for large implementations and migrations.
Many of our Contractors have worked through PiC on multiple projects and clients and a significant number have worked with us continuously for over 10 years.
Our candidate network includes professionals who specialise in:

Guidewire, Bravura Sonata, GBST Composer, Acturis, Thunderhead, CLOAS, Life/400, AIA Graphtalk, Multifonds, Prophet, MoSes, MG-Alfa, Igloo, ResQ, ReMetrica

Technical and business disciplines
Actuaries, Business Analysts, Business Architects, Solutions Architects, Business Intelligence, Change Managers, Data Architects, Data Analysts, Data Warehouse Developers, Digital Transformation, Project/Programme Managers, Software Developers, Six Sigma, TOGAF, Process Excellence / Process Improvement

Regulatory issues
IFRS17, Solvency II